Thursday, July 14, 2011

Module 5 Reflection

This module has helped me think about
student-centered assessment in the following ways…


  1. Student centered assessment needs to be conducted frequently so students receive adequate practice assessing themselves and others.

  2. Having students assess their own work is a useful method to hold them accountable for their own learning. Looking over your own work and being able to improve and edit it is a lifelong skill that can be used in many different ways. It is almost like learning to look at your work or yourself in an objective way. It is important to create a rubric or scoring guide for students to use that is specific and objective. Also, giving examples of acceptable and unacceptable work is crucial for students to understand your expectations completely.

  3. Student centered assessment takes time and energy to plan, create, and train/model with students, at least until students get used to using these types of assessments. Once they are familiar with them, I think students prefer using these assessments. It has the added, very important benefit of enabling students to be (more) independent learners. If you can begin to train students to create some of the assessments, you reduce your own workload.

  4. To think of it more in terms of what do they get out of it in a way more than simple rote repetition. To work with the students so that they have more of a sense of ownership in the assignments. And to work to connect as many of the assignments as possible back to their own lives. It has given me many different ways to accomplish these goals.

  5. Module 5 has helped me think about student centered assessment by allowing me to reflect on how I assess... What I do well with assessment and things that I can work on. I understand that it's important to allow students to be in control of their learning, therefore, as a teacher I need to give up the power and allow students to take ownership.
    With teachers and students, reflection is KEY when using student centered assessments.

  6. Student-centered assessment is very time consuming for the teacher; however, it is an excellent way to make the students are accountable for their learning. A variety of assessments created to show specific goals and objectives are important with the project they are working on. Students take ownership and in turn the teacher gives up some of the power and becomes the facilitator. It also gives the student choices of ways to become creative in assessing what they are learning in the classroom.
